Friday, July 9, 2010

A sort of introduction.

Ask yourself a question: do you understand what the above two equations "mean"? I suspect for most, the truthful answer is no, which is a really good illustration of how we tend to fail at conveying science.

Recently, I read a story on digg and reddit that asked the following question: are you wealthier today than John D. Rockefeller (whom was worth close to 80 billion dollars in the late 1800's)?The truth is that, in almost every meaningful and measurable are. The reason is not money, but time and the above two equations. You were lucky enough to born a little over 100 years later after engineers had some time to tinker with these equations...the benefits of which Rockefeller, despite all his wealth, could never enjoy.

Lately, "climate gate" has been a leading headline in the news. The following discussions that occurred made it clear that scientists have a problem. They have a very big problem: no one else can figure out what the hell they are doing, why they are doing it and why it matters.

Scientists are great at a lot of things. They are smart as hell. But one weakness just about every honest scientist confesses to in secret is that they are bad communicators. One needs only to sit in any University Freshman Physics or Calculus course to see this illustrated first hand.

That's why this blog exists. Being able to do the whole "math" thing makes life a bit easier I find. Bear in mind I don't consider myself to be "good" at math, and I certainly don't like it. Yet I have always found it somewhat easy to do and very useful. I tend to live in the layman's world, only temporarily hopping over to the ivory tower to check out whats going on. In this blog, my goal is to help you understand a little bit more about what these weird guys in lab coats are up to all day. When it matters, when it doesn't, and to delicately mock the journalism profession for endlessing screwing up their job in this respect.

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